Glucose syrup is a type of refined and concentrated solution of dextrose, maltose, and higher saccharides, which are commonly obtained from the hydrolysis ...

Cornstarch is known to be a common ingredient that is produced from the starch portion of corn kernels, known as the endosperm, and is commonly used as ...

Citric acid, also known as citrate, is a naturally concentrated acid that can be found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, commonly lemons and limes, ...

Acetic Acid is known to have a wide range of applications, ranging from food and beverage applications to industrial applications. It is a type of colourless ...

Fresh onions and shallots are a type of vegetable produce that is cultivated in lands meant for agriculture. Onions are known to be produced in various ...

Dates are a type of delicious fruit that is grown from the date palm tree, scientific name Phoenix dactylifera. Date palms are known to be a native fruit ...

Coffee substitutes are non-coffee products that are known to imitate the taste and aroma of coffee. They are known to have several applications in medical ...

Candy is a type of sugar confectionery product that is commonly produced in small pieces or bars that are mainly made from sugar or syrup, with the addition ...

Black Beans, also known as black kidney beans, kala rajma, and kala ghevda, are a type of legume that provides a wide range of nutrients and health benefits ...

Popcorn, scientific name Zea mays var. everta, is a type of whole grain maize product and resembles corn on the cob in appearance and cultivation methods. ...